According to the Intesa Sanpaolo report, the share of EUR 6B has been reached (+15.4%)

In the 1Q2022, exports from the Italian agri-food districts reached a record value of EUR 6 billion, up by 811 million (+ 15.4%) compared to the same period of 2021. The result partly reflects the inflationary dynamics: the index of prices practiced on the foreign markets of Italian food products grew in the first quarter of 2022 by 8.5% compared to the same period of 2021. This is what emerges in the latest monitor of the Italian agro-food districts prepared by the Intesa Sanpaolo Studies and Research. 

In particular, the wine districts led growth exceeding EUR 1.4 billion in exports in current values, a result never achieved so far in a quarter (+ 17.7% yoy). 

The pasta and desserts districts also performed well, all with double-digit growth trends; however, it should be noted that the price index on foreign markets for the production of bakery and starchy products grew by 12.1% on a trend basis in the first quarter of 2022, more than the average, under the pressure of inflationary dynamics. 

The supply chain of agricultural districts, after the strong growth of 2021 (+ 9.4%), slows down in the quarter January-March 2022 with a tendential growth of 7%, a result that hides different dynamics in the thirteen districts that compose it: strong leap forward for the Barese fruit and vegetables (+ 192.1%), setback for the Romagna fruit and vegetables (-7.5%) and the Trentino apples (-30.9%). 

Lights and shadows between the meat and cured meats districts: the escalation of energy and raw material costs has hit a supply chain already tested by the increases caused by swine fever in China and also influenced by some cases found in Italy. The strong growth of the Modenese cured meats (+21.8% tendentially, corresponding to an increase of 33 million), is contrasted by the decrease in the Verona meat (-18.9%, 26.8 million euros less). 

Even among the dairy districts there are fluctuating performances. The first district in terms of exported values, the dairy of south-eastern Lombardy closes the first quarter of 2022 with a tendential growth of 29.4%, over € 61 million more than in the same period of 2021. On the other hand, exports are down of the Reggio Emilia dairy, which recorded a decline of 21.6%.

Strong acceleration for the olive oil districts, which is however accompanied by an increase in prices on foreign markets for the national oil and fat industry of 18.5% trend. The Tuscan oil district closes the first quarter of 2022 with a + 25.9% trend, which translates into an increase of over € 40 million.
Overall, exports from agri-food districts to all the main destination markets are growing. Flows to Germany, the leading outlet market, are growing (+ 3.4%), thanks above all to the contribution of the pasta, sweets and oil supply chains; flows to the United States increased (+14.3%), where the strong dollar supported the growth of the wine, oil, pasta and desserts districts; good results also towards France (+ 16.8%), where the success of the pasta and desserts chain is joined by that of the dairy.

EFA News – European Food Agency

Italian agri-food international exports will reach close to 60 billion in 2022, setting a historic record.  The upward trend is continuing despite the worrying effects of the war in Ukraine which have resulted in increased energy prices affecting production and consumption globally.


This is the statistic that has emerged from the latest Coldiretti analysis based on foreign trade Istat data relating to the first nine months of 2022.


The +18.6% leap in growth for Italian food exports despite the current worldwide economic and social upheaval is a positive trend that confirms the worldwide demand for Italy agri and food products.


Agri-Foodexports to United Kingdom are up +19% which highlights how Italian exports have proved to be stronger than Brexit, after the initial difficulties linked to leaving the EU. Other primary export markets including Germany, the United States and France are also up between 13%  and 21% respectively.


Ettore Prandini, President of Coldiretti weighs in on the situation by adding “To drive the Made in Italy in the world there are basic products such as wine which leads the ranking of the most exported Made in Italy products followed by fresh fruit and vegetables. To support the growth trend of national food and wine, it is now necessary to act on Italy’s structural delays and unblock all the infrastructures that would improve connections between the South and North of the country, but also with the rest of the world by sea and railway in high speed, with a network of junctions made up of airports, trains and cargo”.


Italy currently has the important task at hand to seize the opportunity of the PNRR to modernize national logistics and international supply chai.  Prandini continues “it is also important to work on internationalization to support companies that want to conquer new markets and strengthen the consolidated ones by enhancing the strategic role of ICE with the support of the embassies”.